
Oven dried clementines
Oven dried clementines

oven dried clementines

I took a picture of Jake laying on the kitchen cart one Saturday morning and posted it to a food bloggers Facebook group that I am a member of, with a caption asking for ideas of how to keep Jake off the counter top. – wherever he can manage to jump! The kitchen cart has become his newest playground, as you can see from this photo. His is obsessed with being perched high on shelves, cabinets, armoires, etc. The only problem we’ve found so far, is the cats. And, when I’m not doing that, it serves as counter space that can be used for food prep, or just a place to place baked goods. So far, we are loving it! I can easy place pots, pans, plates, bowls, etc., on it and take a few photos for my recipe posts. And, the kitchen cart is now on wheels (which we installed ourselves) to make it easier to move about. We decided to place the cart in the dining room, along the north-facing wall, so that the natural light from the large east-facing wall would provide great light for the photos. The purchasing of a kitchen cart seemed like a great solution. And, getting my tripod to fit in the kitchen with the legs expanded far enough to take photos is impossible. There is literally zero room to set up a photo shoot. It’s really a food bloggers dream, but the counter on that side of the kitchen is small. Now, our kitchen is very small, but one entire wall, from the top of the kitchen counter, to the ceiling, is window. Our apartment has some large windows, which provides some really good natural light for food photography, and one of those windows happens to be in the kitchen. And, secondly, I really needed a great looking surface and work area for setting up my prepared recipes for photographing. First, we could certainly use more counter space and some shelving. Clementine Upside Down Cake is very citrus-y, very easy to make, very rustic, and very gorgeous! A great dessert option for a dinner party!Ī while ago, we purchased a kitchen card/island for our home. Cakes do not need frosting and fancy decorations to be pretty and presentable.

Oven dried clementines